Sonny V. Testimonial

After a year and a half of modifications on my ’04 Bird, using your top quality parts, accessories and advice, I now have the car I envisioned.  Many thanks and by the way, kudos on your new book on T-Birds.  I recently received my copy and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Great info and savings tips. All of your customers would benefit from this book.

I would like to single out two or three of the parts I’ve received for special praise.  The Borla Tuned Muffler System was of outstanding quality and fit.  In less than 30 minutes time, the exhausts were idling like two purring cats.  The next item is brand new …  A stunning pair of floor mats in Torch Red, no less!  They have the T-Bird emblems in the center and are of great quality and fit.  Bottoms are lined with slip proof rubber.

I am selfishly hoping you stay in business for a long long time.  I’m sure all your T-Bird customers feel the same way.  Again, thank you for your above and beyond help over the last 18 months.


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