Thunderbird Extended Warranties – Should I Have One?

warranty imageThunderbird Extended Warranties – Should I Have One? –  Extended automotive warranties are a lot like health insurance; something you buy that you hope you’ll never need to use.  Like health insurance, an extended warranty or service plan, offers some protection from unexpected expenses.  But unlike health insurance, an extended warranty is not considered a necessity by every  owner of a 2002-2005 Thunderbird.  Once the factory warranty expires, most car owners have the option of buying an extended service plan if they didn’t opt to extend their factory warranty at the time of purchase.  The decision of whether or not to have one is the subject of considerable debate.

Why should I consider an extended warranty or service plan?

The simple answer is that it covers all or a substantial portion of mechanical repairs.  Extended warranties can cover hundreds or even thousands of dollars of repairs, typically requiring the owner to pay only a small deductible.  But the older the car, the more expensive extended service plans become.  The length of coverage also affects the cost, with longer plans often priced at $ 2,000-3,000 or more, depending on the coverage.

Is an extended warranty worth the cost?

No Thunderbird owner can predict what might go wrong with his or her car.  Even the most carefully driven and best-maintained cars can suffer expensive mechanical failures. No two cars are ever exactly alike in terms of durability or reliability, and some cars will experience more problems than others.  Some Thunderbird owners enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that a major repair will be covered, and are willing to pay for that protection.  Others prefer to pay for needed repairs as they go, hoping the cost of  future repairs will be less than the cost of an extended warranty.

Which repairs are covered and which aren’t?

Coverage varies depending on the individual policy, but most exclude maintenance or wear-related items like brake pads, belts, hoses, filters and tires, which require periodic replacement based on age and mileage.  Other items such as light bulbs, interior trim and upholstery are and convertible soft tops may also be excluded from coverage. Many tire retailers offer road hazards warranties or other extended coverage.

If I decide to buy one, how much will it cost and who sells them? 

Like any type of ‘insurance,’ the cost of an extended service plan varies based on a number of factors, such as the amount of coverage, the amount of the deductible, and which components and systems are covered.  Typically, the best extended service plans are offered by the original manufacturer.  But even if your Thunderbird no longer qualifies for a Ford-issued plan, there are numerous companies that sell them.  When shopping, price comparison may be the most obvious factor to consider, but even more important is the reliability of the company that issues the warranty.  A low-cost plan is not much good if you or your repair shop isn’t reimbursed for needed repairs.  Good customer service and prompt payment are important factors to consider, so ask other Thunderbird owners, join an owners club, or search online for recommendations before you buy.

Will my  Thunderbird qualify for an extended service plan?

The oldest 2002 Thunderbird are now 14 years old.  Even the newest 2005 T-Birds are now over 10 years old, so if you haven’t already had some repair issues, you almost certainly will.  Most service plans require that the covered vehicle pass a comprehensive inspection prior to issuance.  The cost of these inspections varies, but $ 100 is common.   Once your car passes inspection you’ll usually have a choice of coverage based on the term and covered repairs.  Most repairs require the payment of a deductible for any covered repair.  The amount of the deductible also varies, but $ 100 is common. The 2002-2004 Thunderbird are already too old to qualify for an extended service plan from Ford, however, some 2005 Thunderbird may still be eligible until September or October of 2016.  Check with your local Ford dealer.

Should I buy one?

The decision to purchase an extended warranty or service plan depends on a number of factors.  First, how much will the plan cost and what is covered?  Do you want to pay the $ 1,000 t0 $ 2,000 or more the plan will cost?  Can you afford an expensive out-of-pocket repair if you don’t have an extended service plan?  Does your 2002-2005 Thunderbird  have a history of mechanical issues and repair problems?  In the end, the decision to buy an extended service plan depends on your answers to these questions.  But as the 2002-2005 Thunderbirds get older, some repair expense is inevitable.

What company should I choose when buying an extended service plan?

Given the many companies that issue auto warranties and service plans, you’ll have to do some research and comparison shopping to find the plan and the price that best suits your particular needs.  While I don’t usually make specific recommendations, many Thunderbird owners have reported good experiences dealing with Lombard Ford.  Here’s their contact information:


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Winsted, CT 06098
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