Why Are Thunderbird OEM Parts so Expensive?

cutaway viewWhy Are Thunderbird OEM Parts so Expensive? – If you own a 2002-2005 Ford Thunderbird you probably already know how hard it is to find OEM replacement parts.  Even worse, when you do find them they can be very expensive.   Why are original equipment Ford Thunderbird parts so costly?

The high cost of design, development, manufacturing and testing of automotive parts  makes the cost of replacement parts high also.  But as the cars they’re made for become older and the parts become more scarce, prices on the remaining parts tends to increase based on simple supply and demand.  Parts for the 2002-2005  Thunderbird are no exception.  Auto makers produce supplies of replacement parts to service every new vehicle they build.  As components wear out, break down, or get damaged in collisions, supplies are used up.  Common parts such as brake pads, belts and hoses are typically produced in larger quantities than say trim items and body hardware because they wear out more quickly and it’s easier to predict how often they will need replacement.  Other parts like body panels and interior trim tend to last longer than mechanical components and don’t require replacement as often.  As cars become older, however, many parts can become difficult to find.

Ford, like other auto and truck manufacturers, will continue to ‘service’ parts for a number of years after a particular vehicle is no longer being made.  When supplies of a certain part shrink, car makers can produce additional inventory (typically through their vendors and OEM suppliers) based on current or anticipated future demand.  Demand is based in large part on the number of vehicles produced.  In the case of the 2002-2005 Thunderbird, with a low total production of just 68,095 units, supplies of replacement parts was correspondingly low, making it harder to find OEM replacements.  The 11th generation Thunderbirds are now 10-13 years old (production ended in the Summer of 2005), and supplies of most OEM replacement parts are scarce, if not altogether unavailable.  When existing supplies of any given part are depleted, Ford may choose to ‘obsolete’ that part.

What does it mean when a part becomes ‘obsolete’?

When demand for a particular part shrinks, and the decision has been made not to do additional production runs, the part can be declared  ‘obsolete.’  This essentially means that the part is no longer being  ‘serviced,’ however,  some new or ‘new old stock’ parts may still exist in warehouses or dealer inventories.  The supply of remaining parts  however, will  not be replenished … once the existing supply is gone, no new parts will become available.  Once a part is ‘obsoleted,’ it will show as ‘discontinued’ and no longer available to order.

Once a part is declared obsolete by the manufacturer, dealers often raise the price of any remaining stock in their inventory to reflect the scarcity of that part.  Parts that may have been sold at a discount from list price when they were readily available, are often priced higher than original list price once they become obsolete.

Ford dealers, like other vehicle manufacturers, use a centralized computer ‘locator’ system to assist dealers and independent repair shops in finding and sourcing needed parts.  Any authorized Ford dealer can search a nationwide database to see if a given part is available from any other dealer in the country.

Are there any other sources for ‘obsolete’ and discontinued Thunderbird parts?

Yes.  Dealers periodically get rid of old or slow-moving parts inventories to make room for higher demand items for newer model cars and trucks.  It’s expensive to inventory parts for cars no longer being built, and most dealers have very limited shelf space for replacement parts.  As demand for certain parts shrinks,  specialty suppliers and others who specialize in ‘obsolete’ parts may buy remaining inventories in bulk from dealers who have excess inventory.  But while some parts may exist outside of dealer inventories that can be easily searched by computer, they can be very difficult to find.  Many new car dealers work with one or more ‘obsolete suppliers’ outside of the standard parts locator system.  A part that may show as unavailable or discontinued may be available from an obsolete supplier.  Collectors and specialty retailers may also stockpile parts for certain cars that they think may become more valuable in the future.  These sellers often list hard-t0-find and discontinued parts on Ebay.  Finding obsolete and discontinued parts is always easier if you have a part number, but it may take some research to locate the part number.

What about aftermarket and reproduction parts?

Many Thunderbird parts that have been discontinued by Ford are manufactured by automotive aftermarket  suppliers.  Aftermarket parts are often less expensive than original OEM parts, however the quality, fit and finish may not equal that of the original.  If OEM parts are no longer available, however, an aftermarket or reproduction part may be the only option.  Many are just as good as the original OEM part, and may be offered by more than one manufacturer.

Will aftermarket parts lower the value of my 2002-2005 Thunderbird?

This is a good question.  Although the ‘new’ Thunderbird isn’t yet old enough to be considered a true ‘classic’ car, many owners and collectors believe it will eventually become one.  As previous generations of Thunderbird such as the 1955-57, 1961-63, 1964-66 and others, some think that the 2002-2005 Thunderbird will one day become an automotive classic as well.  For now, most 2002-2005 Thunderbirds are driven regularly, although many owners put very few miles on them.  If you plan to keep your Thunderbird, or if you enter it in shows, originality can be very important both in judging and for potential future value.  OEM parts are almost always preferable to aftermarket parts, if they’re available.

I’ve tried to locate a certain part but can’t find it anywhere.  What can I do?

If your Ford dealer can’t locate a part you need, and you’ve searched on Ebay and elsewhere with no success, contact us.  Powersport/Thunderbird Specialties carries the largest selection of original OEM new and ‘new old stock’ replacement parts for the 2002-2005 Thunderbird available anywhere.  Many are listed on our website at: www.mytbird.com.  If you don’t see it on our website, call us to see if we can locate it for you.  In addition to our own in stock inventory,  we have access to many obsolete suppliers, specialty retailers and other sources for hard-to-find parts.  We specialize in hard to find items like electronic modules, interior and exterior trim pieces, seat cover replacements, coil springs and much more.

Start your search here: https://thunderbirdspecialties.com/product-category/oem-part-replacements/

You can reach us by phone at: 310-589-1000, or e-mail us at: info@powersportcars.com

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