Why should I buy Ford OEM parts for my ’02-’05 T-Bird?

Why should I buy Ford OEM parts for my ’02-’05 T-Bird?

Chassis (6)–  When it’s time to replace parts on your 2002-2005 Thunderbird, which parts should you choose; Genuine Ford OEM parts or aftermarket reproductions?  Many Thunderbird owners ask themselves this question.  Some Thunderbird owners will only use genuine Ford/Motorcraft parts while others will buy aftermarket replacements.  Why choose one over the other?

Genuine factory replacement parts are generally thought to be of better quality than aftermarket replacements, but is that always the case?  If your 2002-2005 is still under factory warranty or a Ford ESP (extended service plan), repairs done at Ford dealers will almost always include OEM Ford replacement parts.  In fact, the terms of your warranty or ESP may require that only Ford factory parts be used.  But if your Thunderbird is not covered by a Ford warranty, and if you have you car serviced or repaired at an independent shop, you may be getting aftermarket replacement parts and not even know it.

What’s the difference between OEM factory parts and aftermarket replacements?

Generally speaking, Ford OEM factory parts are more expensive than aftermarket replacements.  Also, aftermarket parts may be made outside the USA, and may not be manufactured to the same quality standards as Ford OEM parts.  However, many Ford parts are produced outside the U.S., so just because a part carries a Ford label doesn’t guarantee that it was made in America.   Some aftermarket replacement parts may be just as durable and reliable as OEM Ford parts; others may not.  For example, the coolant recovery tank or ‘Degas Bottle,’ is available as a Ford factory part or from aftermarket manufacturers such as Dorman.  Both look the same, but there’s a big difference in price.  The Ford part can cost as much as $ 300, while an aftermarket replacement can be purchased for under $ 70.  Why such a big difference in pricing?  As it turns out, the aftermarket part is constructed of thinner plastic and is more prone to cracking and leakage in extreme temperatures.  Saving $ 200 or more sounds like a good idea, but if a part is substandard and requires replacement after only a few months, the purchase may be false economy.  Not to mention the inconvenience and possible damage to other, more expensive components as a result of failure.   Coil on plugs, or COPs are another example.  The Motorcraft DG529 is priced around $ 65 each, while aftermarket versions sell for as little as about $ 20 each.  Why pay three times as much for what appears to be the same part?  As it turns out, the quality of the plastic housing and wire insulation is not identical, and the less-expensive aftermarket part may fail much sooner than the Ford Motorcraft part.  In the case of one or more failed COPs, you not only have the expense of replacing the part itself, but also the cost of labor, which could be hundreds of dollars.  The savings of $ 40 on a part may result in having to spend many times the amount saved on the purchase of the part.

What if Ford OEM replacement parts aren’t available?

Unfortunately, this is becoming a bigger problem for owners of the 2002-2005 Thunderbird.  The ‘new’ Thunderbirds are now 11-14 years old and supplies of many Ford OEM parts have been depleted and are no longer being produced.  And often, when supplies of a given part have dwindled to just a few nationwide, dealers who have them raise prices, sometimes much higher than the original list price.  If the Ford factory part you need isn’t available, you may have no option other than buying an aftermarket replacement.   The biggest issue with aftermarket parts is that there can be a wide range in quality.  Most aftermarket companies advertise their parts as ‘built to OEM specifications,’ but while the part may fit, it’s not necessarily the same quality as a genuine Ford part.  Some aftermarket parts are just as durable and reliable as their factory OEM counterparts, but you really don’t know in advance which parts are good and which could be substandard.

What if the dealer or repair shop charges me more for a part I can buy elsewhere for less?

Most Ford dealers and independent shops charge their customers the retail price for replacement parts even though they pay a lower, wholesale price.  This is fairly common practice. And most shops won’t let you provide your own parts, or won’t warranty repairs done with parts not supplied by them.  Of course, if you have the experience and the tools to perform your own repairs you can save a lot of money.  But most Thunderbird owners simply don’t have the expertise, the facilities or the time to do it themselves.

Given a choice, we recommend using genuine Ford/Motorcraft OEM replacement parts whenever possible.  While they may be more expensive than aftermarket parts, they are typically better quality and may carry a better, longer warranty.  Some retail auto parts stores like Pep Boys, Auto Zone and Napa, that sell their own brands, will match or even exceed factory warranties. As with any purchase, it pays to shop around.  But keep in mind that the lowest price may not be the wisest choice.  Saving a few dollars on an inferior-quality part could end up costing you hundreds or even thousands if it fails and causes damage to other parts and components.

When you’re having repairs done either at a Ford/Lincoln-Mercury dealer or an independent shop, ask for an itemized estimate for parts and labor.  And if the work is being done at an independent shop, ask if they will be using Ford factory parts or aftermarket replacements.

What impact does using genuine Ford parts have on my Thunderbird’s value?

There are a couple of other reasons to consider using only genuine Ford factory replacement parts on your 2002-2005 Thunderbird;  future market value and car shows.  If you enter your Thunderbird in car shows where it’s judged, having all original parts can be very important.  Judges can deduct points for something as minor as a missing warning label or emblem.  Even if you don’t show your car or participate in judged events, keeping your Thunderbird 100% original can help preserve and even increase its market value.  You may not plan to sell or trade your Thunderbird now, but if and when you do sell, having the correct Ford parts may impact its value.

If you need OEM replacement parts for your 2002-2005 Thunderbird, we carry a large selection of some of the most commonly-needed parts, priced from just $ 12.95.  In addition to basic parts like hoses, brake pads, shocks and springs, we also carry a wide selection of hard-to-find Ford replacement parts like interior trim panels and electronic modules, many of which are out of production and no longer available from Ford.  So whether you’re looking for a    replacement remote key fob or replacement body panels or a new factory convertible soft top, browse our online store.  Most of our OEM replacement parts are priced below Ford’s list price.  Click here to see our complete selection: https://thunderbirdspecialties.com/product-category/oem-part-replacements/

And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, give us a call or contact us by e-mail and let us know what you need.  Chances are we can find it for you, even if no one else can!

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